Gas is $4.50 and going up.  Grocery prices are through the roof.  What can the average person do to make it day to day?  This is a question I always ask every client that comes in to see me.  If you file for bankruptcy in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale, will you be able to afford your regular monthly expenses?  It’s an important question.  If the answer is no, then bankruptcy is not yet an option.  Just because you have debt is not the only reason to file for bankruptcy in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale.  The purpose of filing for bankruptcy in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale is to get a fresh start.  In order to get a fresh start, you must be able to live on your monthly income.  Because prices are going up daily, this might be difficult right now.  But, if you have credit card debt and medical bills that you are paying and would be able to afford to live better without having to pay that debt, filing bankruptcy in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale may be an option.

There are so many benefits to filing for bankruptcy in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale.  It’s such a relief to so many of my former clients to no longer have the stress and pressure of repaying old debt.  They can now use the money they earn on living life.  Paying bills like utilities and food and gas is so much more important to living a quality life than paying old credit card debt or medical bills.  If you are behind on your mortgage or car, those bills can send your life into a spiral which may be difficult to get out of if you don’t consider filing for bankruptcy.  By filing a bankruptcy in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale, you may have your best chance of getting out of that spiral of debt and you can get a fresh start.  It comes as such a relief to so many of my clients who have filed for bankruptcy in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale, and now can pay their mortgage and car payments as well as food and gas.  

Most people get into a negative financial situation through no fault of their own.  Maybe there was a job loss or a medical issue or you were never educated in how to use credit cards.  Credit card companies send applications to high school kids to hopefully get them into a position where they can’t pay more than the monthly minimum payment.  That is the beginning of the end from a financial situation.  Once you are paying 20% interest on a credit card or a car, you might be stuck in a hole forever.  You are certainly not going to be able to repay those kinds of debts because the minimum payment is probably less than the interest that accrues on the card when you make that minimum payment.  But how would anyone know that without experiencing it or learning it from someone who has experienced it?  This is especially true in lower income communities.  I believe finance should be taught in tenth and eleventh grade so kids wouldn’t get into a bad financial situation.  Many times, young people come to see me with $40,000 to $50,000 in debt.  I explain that by filing bankruptcy in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale, they will get a second chance and a fresh start.  I also tell them to learn from their mistakes.  Don’t do that again.  You cannot earn 20% on an investment in most cases, so how can you expect to repy debt at that amount and still pay for food and gas?  You can’t.  That’s why banks make so much money every year.  They prey on people for profit.  If you don’t pay them, they just write it off on their taxes.  That’s why big banks never pay any taxes even though they make huge profits.  

If you are in a situation where you cannot afford your necessities because of credit card debt or medical bills, filing bankruptcy in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale may be your best option.